Today we are talking to Al'ona Mysko. She is founder and CEO fuelfinance and one of the 30 under 30 by Forbes.

Today we are talking to Al'ona Mysko. She is founder and CEO fuelfinance and one of the 30 under 30 by Forbes.
You have created a valuable product. Can you tell us if It was predictable, did it take a lot of time to moderate an idea or did you spontaneously realize that there is a niche and it would be definitely yours ?
I can’t say that everything was predicted, on the contrary, things just happened organically. Frankly speaking, I am passionate about finance, however when I was working in CFO, I was confused that this speciality looked very complicated to founders and entrepreneurs at first sight. That's why I started my journey with a financial service, and then very organically it outgrew into a financial product. Actually our company sets a right mission - to “help companies avoid financial mistakes that should not have happened”, because of the fact that 38% of startups die due to lack of funds or mismanagement of finances.
Accordingly, when we were thinking about the main mission, a desire to create a world-class product and help companies not only in Ukraine, but all over the world as well, we acknowledged that it would be possible to embody only through the product and technical implementation. Consequently, we gradually approached to tech product. I admit that I have been going to that idea for a couple of years, but in fact my whole life has been preparing me for this business. I simply followed my heart and it just coincided that the niche wasn’t really in demand and became popular only in the last couple of years.

Do you want to expand your business and move abroad?
Everything depends on the needs of the business. I am a big fan of Ukraine, but there may be some questions about moving to USA only due to business needs. Nevertheless I don’t see any demands to settle down in Europe, because for me Ukraine is the best place to live in.
You travel a lot, which city/town/country inspires you the most and why?
Now I’m mainly inspired by Ukraine as there is so much energy, power, strength and courage that stimulates us to move forward. Our president, devoted volunteers and brave soldiers - they are people to look up to. The USA is the second country that inspires me greatly, because of the number of ideas that reigns there and the energy of creating new products that change the world is everywhere there. I reckon Kyiv and San-Francisco are my favorite cities among others.

Are you a person who keeps your whole life in one suitcase, or vice versa?
I am not that type of person who keeps all her life in one tiny suitcase. I constantly review my stuff, trying to get rid of some parts, but I crave homeliness: records, fancy vases, tableware and even tea ceremony, so it is impossible to put it all in one suitcase. Moreover I like the idea that I have a place to come back where I can recharge and get a new portion of energy.
3 things that you always take with yourself
My laptop, a charger, eBook and notebook. I consider myself as a creative person who is keen on writing and drawing in the notebook in the meantime.

Are you a practical person? What criteria for choosing a backpack are important to you?
Truly said, I am a practical person, but I follow fashion and try to keep up with the latest trends. Stylish cloth is an integral part of my life, I guess. I do not prefer a wide range of colors in clothes or bags, so the black backpack is always my favorite of all the colors. Also I love all kinds of details, high-quality accessories, some inner pockets, where you can put money and documents, really impress me.
What would you wish for yourself 10 years ago?
When I was in my twenties, I was studying at the Kyiv Mohyla Academy. I always supported myself by saying that no matter what, I was doing everything right, otherwise I wouldn't be where I am now. I would probably say to my twenty-year-old self “keep going”, everything will work out, you are moving in the right direction.

What plans do you have for this year ?
I have major plans for this year and they are all related to business, development and growth. It is highly important to grow a company, to get a lot of customers and create a product that will be in demand. On a more global scale, I strive to become synonymous with the world's new financial manager.