Ulyana Nesheva, a Ukrainian contemporary painter and tattoo artist shares her lifestyle and daily rituals

How does your typical day go, do you have daily rituals?
I love mornings with coffee. It's probably my only daily ritual. The morning is a special time when, after waking up, your mind is still pure, and your thoughts are crystal clear. Those first thoughts are always about what truly matters.

You've been traveling recently. Which city do you love the most, where do you feel most comfortable?
I've traveled too much, and I think this statement is relevant for many girls now. I feel comfortable in any city, but, of course, I love Kyiv the most. My heart is here forever.

What are your favorite places?
I adore Podil because I constantly get lost in its streets, and walks become intriguing. And, of course, there's that Podil vibe, so laid-back and genuine. Cafes, people, dogs. Everything is warm and lovely.
Is a backpack your daily accessory?
No, it's usually for trips or picnics at Kyiv Sea.

Are you someone who can fit life into one suitcase or the opposite?
I actually have very few things. I regularly clear my space of unnecessary things
What are three things you always have in your backpack?
Sunglasses, tobacco, and an iPad.

What do you pay attention to when choosing things?
First and foremost, I consider the visual appearance and whether it complements my other belongings. Practicality always comes last.